A Quick Mention On Positive Belief
As Bruce Lipton talks about in his book, The Biology of Belief, the conscious and subconscious are interdependent, the conscious mind is creative and able to summon up positive thought, whereas the subconscious is strictly habitual and works through our instinct and life learning experiences.
What most people don’t know is that the subconscious mind is millions of times more powerful than the conscious mind (we are talking about neurological processing here).
Just Think Back To When You Were Talking About New Year Resolutions.
In the majority of cases the subconscious has already won – those old habits are back. We are very good at self-sabotage.
But We Can Overcome The Worst Habits And Experiences.
And the conscious mind can win through. You only need to think of the mother whose hands lifted the one-ton car off her child to release them from danger. She needed to totally override those subconscious thoughts that tell her she is ‘too weak’, ‘too small’, ‘just a woman’, ‘doesn’t have the strength’. To overcome all her previous behavioural thinking and feelings and focus on the life of her child, her thoughts control her body by producing the adrenaline needed to create the strength to lift such a weight.
So no one could ever convince me that our beliefs don’t have a massive impact on our lives.
How Healthy Are Your Beliefs At The Moment?
A good friend of mine introduced me to this book and I’m so grateful. Thanks B!
Your belief become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habit becomes your values
Your values become your destiny.
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