It is amazing how we…
Underestimate The Power Of A Simple Thank You!
When we are so busy with work, the simple things can easily be forgotten. When we do have the time to think, like at appraisal time, we are so involved in trying to find things to help develop our staff that, again, we can easily forget the simple and easy ways of creating motivational environments for them.
If We Just Stop And Think About Ourselves For A Moment
When someone appreciates us by saying ‘thank you’ or showing it in some other way, we feel great and are given a real boost. Our performance soars and is easy to replicate as we feel fully appreciated for what we have done.
On the other hand, when our efforts are just taken for granted, or we hear others praised for what they have done while we go unnoticed, we can often feel hurt and unappreciated. Performance may suffer and it may become harder to produce our best work.
So Why Do We Think It Is Any Different For Others?
(This includes our family and friends too!) Who are you taking for granted?
However Be Warned
We need to make the praise, specific, true and timely.
What do I mean by that? Well…if we just go around saying ‘thanks’ or ‘that was good’, all the time and to everyone, it just becomes a nonsense and is unproductive.
There is no need to overdo praise, just mean it! We need to keep looking for the good and productive things that everyone does. That way we can follow the 3 Steps to Great Praise.
3 Steps To Great Praise
If we use the 3 Steps to Great Praise, our staff will definitely feel appreciated and production will be the result of a very simple act from you!