Start the year as you mean to go on. I would ask of you to commit yourself to this one thing this year: more time out just for YOU.
The Daily Grind Of Emails, Meetings, Deadlines And Finance Can Unquestionably Drain Your Creativity.
One of the brilliant things about the brain – and there are so many brilliant and undiscovered things about the brain – is that your subconscious works for you, looking for the answers to your questions, problems and issues, while you are in a relaxed state. The subconscious does all the cleaning up and problem-solves those things the conscious mind cannot.
If You Don’t Allow That Time, Then Frustration Sets In And Creativity Is Stifled.
Create a relaxed state by doing what you love –whether it be writing, walking, reading or some other exercise – or spending time in a favourite place or with loved ones. This will help your mind come up with those ideas and solutions. It is at those times – when you are doing an activity that’s so easy that you forget what you’re doing – that you allow your mind to run free. You may already know how you do this or it may take you a few different activities before you find what works best for you.
Commit to YOURSELF and build TIME OUT activities into your day, week, month and year. Take that time out for your brain to live, soar, imagine and create – and ultimately live a happier life!
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