First I would like to thank one of our readers for sending in a request for help with this topic.
I’m sure most of us have been in the situation where we go for a job only to find out we did not get it. We may feel disappointed or even have mixed emotions over the decision.
There are two main points I want to make regarding not attaining the results that we wanted in an interview situation.w
There Are Many Reasons We Go For A Job
- Next step on the ladder
- being asked to go for it
- being pushed to go for it by others
- feeling I should because it is expected of me
- I would like to; why shouldn’t I
- I’m already doing the job?
- I want away from the job or people I’m working with at the moment
- I have good skills in that area and the competence to succeed in the role, and would love the opportunity to create better for myself and others, while learning and stretching myself on the way.
The Only Real Reason We Should Be Going For A New Position
….is because we have good skills in that area as well as the competence to succeed in the role, and would love to have the opportunity to create better for ourselves and others, while learning and stretching ourselves on the way.
However too many of us apply for positions for other reasons and then get annoyed that we didn’t get the job!
Secondly – and this is linked to the first point.
Are You Really Ready For The Position?
Because we sometimes go for positions because of others or because of our ambition, we can miss the fact that we are not completely ready for that career move we’re chasing. Ask yourself: have I really researched this position fully and have I actually any experience in this role? If not how can I gain the experience needed?
So How Should We Deal With Rejection After Interviews?
Now What?
Using all the answers from the above questions, plan out what position you really want. Put your learning from your previous results into actions by verbalising, visualising and behaving as if you are naturally doing the job now, without stepping on toes.
This means being keen and showing real willingness to help someone who is already in this position, enabling you to learn more about doing the actual job you want. This will lead to confidence in your own ability and positive belief that you really can do it.
That job will be yours next time if you plan and work at doing it now!
Having problem achieving the position you want? Contact Us now.