Mags is a Master Coach, specialising in the personal transformation and professional development of Business Owners and ‘C Suite’ Executives, with over 20+ years sales and management experience.
She is an expert in ‘cutting, polishing and resetting the inner diamonds’ of Executives, Directors and Business Owners, to create exceptional personal clarity, drive and perspective.
Highly sought after as an international speaker, executive coach and author, Mags enjoys a large following in Australia, the UK and her native Scotland.
Clients seek her out as the coach to drive phenomenal results, by challenging their limiting beliefs, affording them renewed clarity and uncovering more advantageous ways to perceive a situation.
Mags brings a wonderful skill in that she challenges me to think differently about how I deal with stressors in the workplace, and how I can implement strategies and ideas. She’s very intuitive, she really gets and understands me.
Joanne Brooks
What To Expect In A Session With Mags
In a coaching session with Mags, you’ll enjoy a confidential and supportive environment to work through challenges, discover new perspectives and work towards the goals you’re pursuing.
She’ll also gently, but firmly, hold you accountable for your actions – so you’ll truly see results.
Personally, you’ll feel an immediate rapport with Mags, born of her genuine warmth, razor sharp intellect and deep capacity for empathy, all of which she engages with the sole aim of helping you evolve into the most effective, productive and fulfilled leader you can be.
One-On-One And Group Executive Coaching
Mags offers one-on-one coaching through her coaching practice, Creating Powerful Results. She worked one-on-one with group coaching through The Executive Connection [TEC], of which she was a Chair.
In both one-on-one and group coaching sessions, Mags works with leaders across all sizes of organisations, from SME’s, right up to corporate giants – in both the public and private sectors.
I can always rely on an objective review and appraisal of issues that we discuss. This helps to take the emotion out of any situation and see where the real issues lie, therefore allowing me to formulate a plan to deal with each situation, with contingencies. I find that very often Mags’ coaching highlights some information that I have not asked or explored to get the more complete picture.
Kathleen Grieve, Market Access Strategy Associate Director, GRT
Are You And Mags A Fit?
Values are the most potent forces in our lives, motivating us and driving us in our work. They inform all of our decisions and combined with beliefs and feelings, to form our internal map of reality and imbue it with meaning.
Values are an integral part of Mags’ coaching methodology and well-matched clients instantly recognise a synergy between their values and Mags’ own,
This is why Mags believes she must have at least two of the following four values in common with a client, otherwise, both parties aren’t ‘on the same page’ and approaching a problem from a common perspective. This makes the coaching process more difficult than necessary, and less of a productive enjoyable exchange.
This is what makes up the chemistry between the coach and the client.
Through Mags, I learned that fear and trust cannot co exist. I feared what I didn’t trust and the reason I didn’t trust it, was because I didn’t understand it. Communication is the key to understanding and understanding yourself is the key to all of that. I learned that mistakes are not failings they are developmental and are to be forgiven and progressed from.
Brenda Tarvit
Mags’ Four Core Values
If you always look for the learning and development opportunities in both your successes and failures – you will share one of Mags’ values. Mags is passionate about learning from others’ wisdom and life experience, while passing on her own to those who will benefit. If you feel this way about those you lead, you will share a strong point of similarity with Mags.
Do you seek to cultivate strong, loyal and respectful relationships with those you meet? Are you mindful of the differences in learning and processing? Do you strive to be present and listen carefully to the group or individual, showing respect for their opinions and points of view? Mags shares these viewpoints and will also strive to connect you with others who may be able to help you deliver on goals and targets…be it life or work…quicker than she can, if necessary. To her mind, this is part of having strong, authentic relationships with her clients.
If you seek to be open, honest and truthful with everyone you meet, you will share one of Mags’ core values. This means acting in a fair, honest and reliable fashion for the good of yourself, your company, its employees and customers. For Mags, this also means holding confidential information on request or instruction.
Do you seek to be genuine with those around you? Do you prefer to be ‘real’ and open – faults and all? Are you receptive to constructive criticism and feedback? If so, you’ll share this important value with Mags and set the coaching relationship off on a strong footing.
If you choose to have fun, seek out lighter perspectives, laugh and make your experience of personal and professional development as enjoyable as possible, you will share another of Mags’ core values.
At home Mags resides on the Gold Coast in Australia, with her partner Paul and their wee dog Rory. She enjoys life to the full and is happy in water and walking beside it…where better to live for that, than sunny Queensland?!